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CVE in practice brings together key practitioners to discuss the current and future landscape of CVE in Australia.

About this event

Online attendees will hear from a range of practitioners, academics and thought leaders about the landscape of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) in Australia. A copy of the full draft program can be accessed here. An overview of the schedule is below:

Day One, Monday 27th June: Historical and current landscape of CVE. How did we get here, and what are some of our emerging risks in Australia?

Day Two, Tuesday 28th June: Challenges of engaging and case managing CVE clients, grass roots CVE intervention, and community impacts when a terrorism event occurs

Day Three: Wednesday, 29th June: Learnings and reflections from the NSW Terrorism High Risk Offenders scheme

The conference is proudly hosted by:

• Australian Department of Home Affairs

• NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet

• NSW Department of Communities and Justice

• NSW Police Force


Monday 27th June | 8:45am - 5:00pm AEST
Tuesday 28th June | 9am - 5:00pm AEST
Wednesday 29th June | 9am - 5:00pm AEST


This is an online live streamed event. 

If you are interested in attending online, please register your interest below.